Стоимость такси в евро € в Милане и трансфера на основные горнолыжные курорты
Направление из/в Милан |
Эконом-класс |
Mercedes E-class |
Mercedes V (до 7 чел.) |
Аэропорт Мальпенса Malpensa MPX |
110 |
115 |
125 |
Аэропорт Бергамо Bergamo Airport |
120 |
125 |
135 |
Аэропорт Линате Airport Linate LIN |
80 |
85 |
98 |
Аутлет Серравалле Serravalle Outlet |
195 |
215 |
235 |
Белладжо Bellagio |
120 |
132 |
145 |
Бергамо Bergamo |
100 |
115 |
119 |
Гарда Garda |
205 |
226 |
248 |
Флоренция Firenze |
480 |
528 |
581 |
Парма Parma |
220 |
242 |
266 |
Римини Rimini |
470 |
517 |
569 |
Форте-дей-Марми Forte dei Marmi |
400 |
440 |
484 |
Венеция Venezia |
440 |
484 |
532 |
Генуя Genova |
250 |
275 |
303 |
Верона Verona |
250 |
275 |
303 |
Турин Torino |
250 |
275 |
303 |
Болония Bologna |
330 |
363 |
399 |
Лугано Lugano |
150 |
165 |
182 |
Комо Como |
120 |
132 |
145 |
Мерано Merano |
480 |
528 |
581 |
Стреза Stresa |
150 |
165 |
182 |
Модена Modena |
275 |
303 |
333 |
Монако Monaco |
490 |
539 |
593 |
Ница Nice |
495 |
545 |
599 |
Канны Cannes |
550 |
605 |
666 |
Червинья Cervinia |
330 |
363 |
399 |
Бормио Bormio |
330 |
363 |
399 |
Ливиньо Livigno |
380 |
418 |
460 |
Мориц St. Moritz |
380 |
418 |
460 |
Церматт Zermatt |
390 |
429 |
472 |
Мадонна-ди-Кампильо Madonna |
390 |
429 |
472 |
Валь Гардена Val Gardena |
565 |
622 |
684 |
Пассо Тонале Passo Tonale |
330 |
363 |
399 |
Курмайор Courmayeur |
440 |
484 |
532 |
Шамони Chamonix-Mont-Blanc |
435 |
479 |
526 |
Ортизей Ortisei |
545 |
600 |
659 |
Валь д’Изер Val d’Isere |
695 |
765 |
841 |
Куршевель Courchevel |
675 |
743 |
817 |
Send your request to info@milan.taxi or +7-9261813155 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) to get the best offer now!
- No prepayment police – take a ride and pay to driver directly with card or cash after end of the trip.
- With some specific transfers deposit could be required.
- Free half-an-hour waiting time for delayed flights and 15 minutes for all others pickups – included.
- Meeting with sign at arrivals – “Meet and Greet service” – 20 euro fee may apply.
- Payment with bank card- plus 10%.
- Free Wi-Fi in all vehicles.
- All drivers speak Italian and English. Possible to order taxi with drivers speaking Arabic, Spanish, Hindu, German
- Baby seats (must be pre-ordered)- one per car is included.
- Indicated prices valid for working day-time transfer, at least 12 hours pre-ordered.
Night-time transfer and holydays – price could be higher.
Some road and parking taxes may apply.
Final price as “all included” valid JUST after confirmation from Milan Taxi by e-mail or WhatsApp.
Do not hesitate to contact info@milan.taxi or +7-9261813155 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) for discount price for transfer in Italy.